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Ilaria Cacciotti

Ilaria Cacciotti

University of Rome "Niccolò Cusano", Italy


Ilaria Cacciotti is an Associate Professor of Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, and Material Science and Technology. She is the Coordinator for Engineering Area, member of the Research Committee and of the Board of PhD Course in Industrial and Civil Engineering at the Engineering Department of University of Rome Niccolò Cusano. She has graduated in Medical Engineering (Master of Science Award ‘Fondazione Raeli’), completed her PhD in Materials Engineering, and has obtained II Level Master’s degrees in Forensic Genetics and in Protection against CBRNe events. She has spent research periods at Kyoto Institute of Technology-Piezotech (Japan) and ITRI-Deakin University (Australia). Her research activity is mainly focused on the synthesis and characterisation of nanoceramic, polymeric and composite materials, in forms of particles, spheres, films, fibres, for biomedical and food packaging application. She was awarded with 8th CCT Award “Best Oral Presentation for Young Researchers”, 10th International Award "Giuseppe Sciacca"-Young Students, European Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Doctoral Award, "Young Researcher Award Elsevier-Materials Science and Engineering: C", "Top Cited Author 2011-2012 ChemEngJ", "Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing" (MaterChem and Phys 2013).


Abstract : Biopolymers based multifunctional composite systems by electrospinning technique