Polymers and Nanotechnology

The field of Nanotechnology is one of the most popular areas for current research and development in basically all technical disciplines. This obviously includes Polymer Nanotechnology which includes microelectronics (which could now be referred to as nanomaterial). Other areas include polymer-based biomaterials, Nano medicine, Nano emulsion particles; fuel cell electrode polymer bound catalysts, layer-by-layer self-assembled polymer films, electrospun nanofabrication, imprint lithography, polymer blends and Nano composites. Even in the field of Nanocomposites, many diverse topics exist including composite reinforcement, barrier properties, flame resistance, electro-optical properties, cosmetic applications, bactericidal properties.

Nanotechnology is not new to polymer science as prior studies before the ages of Nanotechnology involved Nano scale dimensions but were not specifically referred to as Nanotechnology until recently. Phase separated polymer blends often achieve Nano scale phase dimensions; block copolymer domain morphology is usually at the Nano scale level; asymmetric membranes often have Nano scale void structure, mini emulsion particles In the large field of Nanotechnology, polymer matrix based Nano composites have become a prominent area of current research and development

  • Polymer Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
  • Polymeric Nano Medicine, Therapeutics and Imaging Agents
  • Polyhydroxyalkanoate Nanoparticles

Related Conference of Polymers and Nanotechnology

September 15-16, 2025

4th International Conference on Microfluidics

Aix-en-Provence, France

Polymers and Nanotechnology Conference Speakers