5th International Conference on Bioplastics
Paris, France
Anand Gadre
University of California, Merced, USA
Anand Gadre graduated with his BS in Applied Physics from the University of Mumbai, MS Degree at the Institute of Science, Mumbai and his doctorate (Ph.D.) from the Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), Mumbai, (India). Anand joined University of Maryland (USA) as a Postdoctoral Research Associate and further continued working in Georgetown University at Washington DC. Anand was then appointed as an Assistant Professor of Nanobioscience at the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering in the State University of New York at Albany and later was promoted as an Associate Professor of Nanobioscience with tenure. While working at CNSE, Anand also achieved his Master in Business Management (MBA) degree from the State University of New York at Albany. Since 2011, Anand has been working as Director of the Stem Cell Instrumentation Foundry (SCIF) at the University of California, Merced where he is currently administering core research facilities and pursuing his research in the areas of Nanobiotechnology.
Abstract : Advanced bioplymeric electrospun nanoscale fibers for controlled drug delivery